Wednesday, April 18, 2012


   Ive always been interested in the Holocost. we learned a bit about it in High school but definitely not enough.  I always was revolted by the things we learned about it, and I still have not seen Shindler's list and dont really have a desire to. I will never really choose to learn more about it, but if it is there in front of me then i wont look away. its terrible yet fascinating and I am drawn in by the curiosity of how terrible humanity can be.
   Seeing as how Maus had its characters as animals did not distract or take away from the story for me. In fact it was kind of worse, because its like showing anything no matter what can be this evil. the diagrams of the gas chambers and stuff freaked me out as well, it made it so much more real.
   All of the survivors must have had it so rough. I cannot imagine living through that and coming out as a whole person wether you were in the camps or one of the soldiers. it was all around so revolting that it did not surprise me when the mother committed suicide. yes, she left her husband and son, but i feel like she would never really be there for them and it would be worse to see her suffer. i liked that they used cats and mice as characters. it made it clear and simple and definitely exaggerated the german's powers over the jews. I was surprised how well the time transitions from the World War II era to the present in New York worked. I have never seen editing like this done  outside a movie or television seriesand worked so well before.  The reading and imagery flow effortlessly.I enjoyed the style to an extent. i thought it matched the situations and story, but im usually a fan of more detailed work.  All in all it was a good read!

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